Gary Russell - President Brenda Moore – Vice President Education Lead Dee Tucker – Vice President Workshop Lead Barbara Harris – Vice President Tax Program Lead Diana Asai – Treasurer Nancy Brown – Secretary Lynn Brown – Membership Lead Dan Bender – Publicity Lead Kathryn & Shelton Green – Webmasters Hassan Alief – Greeter Chair Dinesh Kapoor – System Analyst Learning Center Paul Brady – System Analyst Workshop Ik Kim - Korean Education Chair Open – Historian |
The PC Club currently has openings for two key positions.
These are both very important roles which allow the PC Club to serve Laguna Woods residents effectively.
The Second Vice President serves as the Education Director, responsible for all education and training activities conducted at the Bob Sellards Learning Center, including obtaining and coordinating instructors, scheduling classes and distributing course materials. In addition, the Education Director recommends improvements to the Learning Center to promote the best possible teaching and learning environment. Basic computer skills are required. If interested, please email: [email protected].
The Secretary keeps minutes of all meetings of the Board of Directors and distributes a draft copy to all attendees for review and comments. Once approved, the final meeting minutes are archived in the Club’s Google Drive repository. Additionally, the Secretary will assist the President with meetings and coordination of the Board’s activities. Basic computer skills are required. If interested, please email: [email protected]. The PC Club is on the front edge of technology for Laguna Woods.
Please consider sharing your knowledge and skills to help us serve our community.
Board Meetings
Board meetings are generally held on the last Monday of every month, at 10:00 am
Board meetings are generally held on the last Monday of every month, at 10:00 am